Time prediction of Diabetes Mellitus using Machine Learning
Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as Diabetes, is a chronic disease that is
characterized by high blood sugar. Failure of the pancreas to produce enough
insulin and body’s inefficient use of insulin are both pathologic causes of
Diabetes . With rapid development of Machine Learning, ML has been applied
to many aspects of medical health and has proven helpful in predicting health
conditions more accurately and quickly.
The proposed system is a web application which is specifically designed to be
used by doctors. K- Nearest Neighbor is a machine learning algorithm used for
identification and time prediction of Diabetes mellitus in this project. The result
is either Yes or No for diabetes prediction and if Yes, the time of getting diabetes
is predicted as after 6 months or 1 year or 2 year or 3 year. It makes use of old
patients data that includes BMI, age, insulin level, BP and so on to predict
possibility of occurrence of diabetes in a new patient.
- - KNN
- - Visual Studios
- - SQL server
- - C# and .NET Framework